Insulation will help you keep the desired temperature in your house all year round, protecting it against cold in winter and excess heat in summer. Insulation is also useful to reduce noise pollution. A well-insulated house is very energy efficient and will need very little additional heating and cooling.
According to Green Match, you can choose to insulate your roof, floors, walls, windows, and doors. The most important thing is the walls since for a typical house the walls will lose around 30 to 40 percent of the heat. The roof comes in second place, accounting for approximately 25% of heat loss. Then comes windows and doors with 20% and, finally, the floor.
If you are trying to cut down on heating costs or need to update an old home this winter, one easy way to do that is to make sure your insulation is adequate for the climate your home is in. How can this help cut down on the heating bill? Well…
Inadequate insulation is one of the leading causes of energy waste in your home. Especially for these frigid Michigan winters that routinely hit single digits and even lower. To cut costs, you could leave the heat off and try bundling in layers upon layers of clothing and blankets, but why go through all that when you can get a check of your insulation checked and serviced so that you know it will meet Michigan climate standards?
So now we understand that having bad insulation wastes energy, but did you know that it also costs money? Inevitably, as temperatures drop outside your home, the thermostat will be going up as you try to combat the heat loss and raise temperatures inside the house. This is going to put a big void in your wallet after you pay that pumped-up heating bill. Instead of taking that hit to your bank account, get a professional to come to inspect your insulation and make sure your house is retaining the heat that it is supposed to.
It isn’t just cracks and doors and windows that will drop the temperature of your home. Make sure that attics and roofs are properly insulated as well! Air infiltrates your home through poorly insulated areas. The obvious ones are doors, cracks, and windows, but the attic and roof can be big areas of concern. Poorly insulated roofs let the cold air in and the warm air out, again making you reach for the thermostat and inevitably your pocketbook when the heating bill is due. So, make sure the attic space and roof are properly insulated, and save yourself some cash for a nice summer vacation!
Insulating attics and around doors and windows can be a very cost-effective way to save energy costs. Your savings from adding insulation depends on many factors, though, including the age of your home, its current insulation status, and the size and type of construction. In addition, the local climate and your family’s living habits will also affect your savings. Let us inspect your residential or commercial roof and insulating to see if your home is up to Michigan insulation standards.
Insulation services in Michigan are an important part of keeping your home energy-efficient and cost-effective. Paramount Roofing. is one of the top insulation service professionals and the leading Michigan roofing contractors. We proudly service Southeast Michigan and Macomb County. Please fill out the contact form or call us today and let us keep you out of the cold this winter!
Source: Insulation – Why Is It Important? (Green Match)