If you own a retail business your building is important to you. Keeping an eye on your roof is an important part of maintaining your building. If customers walk in and see water stains on the ceiling it might make them think twice about purchasing something in your store. First impressions are important to people, so we have some tips for maintaining your roof and making sure that the first impression is a good one! Plus, they will save you money in the long run.
- Perform regular maintenance to avoid any costly repairs or needing to replace the roof.
- Remove any tree branches that are hanging over your building
- Check for any water stains. These could indicate a roof leak and will need to be fixed quickly to avoid more problems.
- Have a roofing contractor perform an inspection twice a year.
These are fairly simple tips to follow to keep your roof maintained and your costs low. Here at Paramount Roofing, we offer maintenance programs that can check for all these problems and more. They can be annual or bi-annual and they involve: physical inspection of an existing roofing system to determine its current condition and detect weaknesses and failures; identify any potential future problems; cleaning of drains, scuppers, and downspouts; minor repair to roof areas. Identifying any problems in an early stage is important to keep your costs lower and your roof in better shape. Contact us today to learn more!